Class 2 Needwood
Class 2 at Needwood looked at the artist L.S. Lowry. We began by studying some of his artwork and discussing common features - that they were all of industrial areas of Manchester and Salford, we even managed to find photographs of some of the streets he painted and what they look like now. We discussed the dull colours he used and the fact that the people have no shadows, something for which he was criticised for. The children enjoyed listening to the song 'Matchstick men and Matchstick Cats and Dogs' and we decided that the lyrics really did describe his artwork. We created our artwork gradually over 3 different sessions. Firstly, we painted our background, a grey skyline and a beige brown floor. The following day, we added our buildings using a mixture of wax crayons, felt tips and pencil crayons then finally completed our work by adding the 'match stick men'. The children worked carefully and were very proud of their finished paintings.