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All Saints C of E Primary School

Read All About It!

We are now on Twitter -

Our read all about it page has pages of wonderful photos of the learning in our school. From September 2019 we will not be adding any further photographs here as we are using the forum of Twitter!  Please join us! 

Page 10

  • Mothering Sunday Service

    Published 09/03/18

    Children held a beautiful Mothering Sunday Service. It was joyful, loving, good and kind as they reflected on the fruits of the spirit and motherhood in the bible, a great celebration of mothers across the world. All women and men who take on the role of mother, what a beautiful service and refreshments afterwards!

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  • World Book Day Celebrations!

    Published 08/03/18

    Children had a super day completing world book day activities, wearing PJs – lots of onesies, reading with parents who have been able to come to their reading slots, writing bedtime prayers and showcasing their story book boxes! What a super day.

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  • Mothering Sunday Lunch part 1

    Published 07/03/18

    Children and mummies enjoyed a special lunch together – a wonderful roast. We thank those families who could attend and our amazing kitchen staff for producing a super lunch.

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  • PTA Garden Centre for Mothering Sunday

    Published 05/03/18

    We thank our PTA for a fabulous ‘garden centre’ selling plants for our amazing mums, nans and aunts and other wonderful ladies in our lives!


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  • Gotta Dance - Lichfield Garrick

    Published 27/02/18

    SSPA events logoChildren had an amazing time on the evening of Wednesday 27th February taking part in the Schools Gotta Dance showcasing event at the Lichfield Garrick theatre. Children from across the federation took part and families came and had a wonderful evening watching the talent on stage. We were incredibly proud of our children who had a fantastic time, smiled throughout, danced their hearts out and just relished such an amazing opportunity.





















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  • PTA Valentines Disco

    Published 16/02/18

    Children had an excellent time at the PTA Valentine’s Disco, thank you to all the families and PTA for their support in making this such fun!

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  • Chinese New Year

    Published 16/02/18

    Children had an excellent day celebrating Chinese New Year! They dressed up and completed lots of activities, and we also thank Mrs Allen for coming to complete activities with the children and to Mr and Mrs Wainwright for the fortune cookies presented to all children and staff.

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  • Pancake Races for Shrove Tuesday

    Published 13/02/18

    Children had excellent fun this morning considering the real reason for the pancake races – Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday - the beginning of lent.  Children were cheered on by their parents and had a good go at flipping their pancakes!

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  • Athletics at John Taylor

    Published 07/02/18
    Children from across the federation had a super evening at the athletics tournament at John Taylor High school with a whole range of athletics activities including running, tag team and skipping! A great evening was had by all. 
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  • Holy Communion led by Father Graham Bott

    Published 01/02/18

    Children enjoyed their Holy Communion services at both schools, and we thank Fr. Graham Bott for leading them. Many children received a blessing whilst two children took communion. It was a beautiful service in which the worship team said prayers, read scripture and a bible reading.


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  • Times Table Rockstar Day

    Published 18/12/17

    Times Table Rockstar Launch Day

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  • Christmas Jumper Day

    Published 15/12/17

    Save the Children's Christmas Jumper Day


    Children put on their Christmas jumpers today for Children in Need. There were a whole range from flashing lights, sparkles, traditional, humorous, even ones with bells and tunes. The monies raised go to children across the globe who are less fortunate than ourselves.

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