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All Saints C of E Primary School

Read All About It!

We are now on Twitter -

Our read all about it page has pages of wonderful photos of the learning in our school. From September 2019 we will not be adding any further photographs here as we are using the forum of Twitter!  Please join us! 

Page 11

  • Pantomime!

    Published 13/12/17

    Children had a superb time at the pantomome at Lichfoeld Garrick. They were all brilliantly behaved,, had lots of fun, singing and dancing and calling out all the panto lines! We thank staff and parent volunteers for a fabulous time.and the PTA for paying for the coaches.




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  • Nativity and Carols

    Published 13/12/17

    Christmas Nativity and Carols

    Children and families had a magical time at our traditional Christmas performance and service. The singing of carols and worship songs, instrument playing, readings, prayers and the beautiful nativity play was a wonderful start to Christmas. We thank staff for ensuring it was a special event, well-practiced with a full complement of costumes and props, to the children for learning their lines, song words and making it such a vibrant event and to families and the community for their support and attendance.. a huge thank you to the PTA for holding a raffle and providing refreshments.  Merry Christmas!

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  • Playing in the snow!

    Published 11/12/17

    Playing in the snow!

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  • School is OPEN as it stands now.

    Published 10/12/17

    Whilst we will aim to remain open tomorrow as long as there are enough staff to teach the number of children who attend as we have many, many families who all have work to go to and no childcare. If you feel, as a member of staff or parent that it is unsafe for you to travel then please let us know and stay at home. We will make sure that we have the correct ratios to remain open and will update you if this position changes.  I have been to school today and the main roads were passable but we will see if the thaw and freeze comes. Thank you for your understanding. We hope not to cause disruption. Mrs Gethin.

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  • Christingle 2017

    Published 04/12/17

    Children enjoyed a beautiful Christingle service this week with readings, prayers, hymns and songs. We had a lovely, reflective time.

    Matthew 1.18-23

    18 Now the birth of uJesus Christ5 took place in this way. vWhen his mother Mary had been betrothed6 to Joseph, before they came together she was found to be with child wfrom the Holy Spirit. 19 And her husband Joseph, being a just man and unwilling xto put her to shame, resolved to divorce her quietly. 20 But as he considered these things, behold, yan angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, “Joseph, son of David, do not fear to take Mary as your wife, for that which is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. 21 She will bear a son, and zyou shall call his name Jesus, afor he will save his people from their sins.” 22 bAll this took place cto fulfill what the Lord had spoken by the prophet:

    23  d“Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son,

    and they shall call his name eImmanuel”

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  • John Coltman Worship

    Published 27/11/17

    Mr Coltman visited us this week and delivered our whole school worship. He taught children about William Coltman, his grandfather who served in the First and Second World Wars. William Coltman was awarded the Victoria Cross for his bravery and devotion to duty. He was the also the most decorated other rank of the First World War. Children were fascinated by his life story. Thanks to Mr Coltman for delivering a wonderful service.

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  • Holy Communion

    Published 24/11/17

    Children enjoyed a reverent and beautiful Holy Communion service on Friday which was really organised and children received communion where appropriate and blessings. We thank Rev. Les and Wendy for their support.

    Luke 22: 19-20

    19 And he took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, “This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me.”

    20 In the same way, after the supper he took the cup, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you.

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  • School Christmas Fair

    Published 24/11/17

    Children, families and staff had a fantastic time at the school Christmas fair. It was fully of hustle bustle and the Christmas songs made the whole event festive. The teddy stall, chocolate and bottle tombola, lucky dip, cracker movie night, cakes, drinks, raffle and lots of preserves, sweets, arts and crafts made the fair fabulous. The raffle raised £1184 and we should be able to add about a further £400 from the rest of the fair. A HUGE thank you to the core PTA committee, all of our families for their help, donations and attendance!  What a spectacular event.

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  • Year 5 Traffic Calming

    Published 23/11/17

    Year 5 girls have analysed and presented the data from our traffic calming project to share at the Parish Council Meeting. Thank you to all the parents who returned their surveys, we look forwards to presenting our findings at the Parish Council Meeting on Tuesday 28th November. Letters have gone home today intiviting Y5 to attend the meeting with Mrs Jones if they can.

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  • A kind donation

    Published 23/11/17

    Byrkley Garden centre have kindly donated a big box of craft items to the school. Mrs Jones and 2 pupils went to collect the kind gift on Thursday 23rd November and couldn’t believe how much lovely stuff they had given us! We are looking forwards to using some of the items over the next few weeks in the run up to Christmas!

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  • Explore- Engage- Reflect RE Conference

    Published 22/11/17

    On Wednesday 22nd November, 4 pupils attended the Explore, Engage , reflect RE Pupil Conference at Rising Brook Church in Stafford. 2 Pupils from Allsaints, Rangemore and 2 pupils from Needwood travelled with Mrs Jones to take part in a range of activities to learn more about the Christian and Islam faiths. All children were exceptionally well behaved, asked interesting questions and engaged fully with all the exhibitions. The children then worked together to create a book of their experiences on the I pad.

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  • Multicultural Day - Diwali

    Published 22/11/17

    The whole school took part in Diwali celebrations – even if a little late! Mixed age groups of children rotated around the school, in four groups, taking part in sweet making and drama, dancing, and creating mehndi and rangoli designs. A fun day had by all!

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