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All Saints C of E Primary School

Read All About It!

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Our read all about it page has pages of wonderful photos of the learning in our school. From September 2019 we will not be adding any further photographs here as we are using the forum of Twitter!  Please join us! 

Page 14

  • Sports Day

    Published 03/08/17

    Thankfully there was a break in the weather and we were able to hold our sports day event on Thursday Morning. Great participation from every child and super support provided a thoroughly enjoyable and inclusive sporting event. Class 1 started us off with an obstacle course, which the rest of the school followed with ever increasing distance and difficulty. Next we had skipping with hoops and ropes, followed by the obligatory egg and spoon race. The sack race for our older children proved significantly more difficult than it looked- lovely to see Mrs Wells give it a go too! To finish things off all children took part in the flat race or sprint. A nice touch to finish things off as Year 6 decided to cross the line together arm in arm. It was great to see so many parents and thank you to our PTA.

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  • Year 6 stretch limo hummer adventure

    Published 20/07/17

    The year 6s enjoyed their leavers event together. 

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  • Legacy award winners 2017

    Published 20/07/17

    We were proud to present the Lucy Hall art award, the David Wilkinson sports trophy and the Shiela Ufton effort shield to 3 of our amazing year 6 pupils. 

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  • Year 6 Leavers' Service

    Published 20/07/17

    Mrs Wells and Mrs Jones supported our year 6 children to create a wonderful service in order to offer memories of their learning journey and showcase their talents, passions and sense of humour. Well done to year 6, an emotional day. 



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  • Cricket Tournament

    Published 19/07/17

    Our last tournament of the year took place tonight and I couldn't be more proud of our Class 4 sportsmen and women.  16 children represented the school in a Kwik Cricket tournament at Trentside in Branston and were all outstanding in the way they played, encouraged each other and represented the school.  Rangemore 1 won both of their group matches topping their section and narrowly missing out on a place in the semi finals (as the other group winners had scored more runs) and playing brilliantly with some really supportive fielding performances. 

    Rangemore 2 won all three of their group matches to make the semi final stage.  Facing Thomas Russell 2 in this match was tricky and tight, with the final result coming down to the very last ball, where Rangemore just prevailed by one run. 

    Achieving a place in the final, from the 14 teams who began the competition, was a feat in itself. Thomas Russell's first team were our opposition and they proved just too strong, winning by 13 runs. Throughout the event there were excellent performances with the bat (Uzair and Saami hitting huge 6's, Honour and Leyla both reaching the boundary too), the ball (great bowling from the whole team with accuracy and wickets aplenty) and in the field (great wicket keeping from Matt, backing up from Arthur and athletic catches from Lewis, Andrew and Lewis).  Support from parents and families was excellent - as always - and it was a pleasure for Mr Meir and me to accompany you.  Well done.

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  • Race For Life

    Published 17/07/17

    Children had an amazing afternoon at our ‘Race For Life’ with some children running in excess of 5 miles. Lots of parents ran too! We raised £491.50 for a really worthwhile cause.

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  • Summer Library Challenge

    Published 17/07/17

    We launched the library’ summer reading challenge at both schools across the Federation.

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  • Rocky Monster Show

    Published 13/07/17

    Children had an amazing time at the Rocky Monster show. They showcased amazing talents of singing, there were many solos, delivering clearly and confidently a large number of words learned and some superb zombie moves too. The costumes and makeup were fabulous too! A huge thanks you to the staff for ensuring that the children were successful, our families for helping out and coming to enjoy such a wonderful evening and, to the children for being so enthusiastic and amazing. Thank you to the PTA for serving refreshments and chips for the children on Thursday night.

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  • Star Foundation Boxing

    Published 11/07/17

    Children had an excellent day led by Star foundation where they learnt new skills whilst exercising.

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  • Turin Shroud Federation Day

    Published 07/07/17

    Children had an amazing day as they all came together, at All Saints, from cross the Federation to worship, play and learn together due to the visiting exhibition of the replica Turin Shroud and a variety of interactive items . The morning was spent in a service led by Mrs Smith, supported by Rev. Les, Wendy and Christian club. Children then had a chance in small groups to explore the exhibition; they undertook activities around school such as peace doves, and prayer bead making to send to our joined school in Uganda - Little Angels. It was a beautiful day.

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  • Dove Valley Athletics

    Published 04/07/17

    A great evening our success of the evening was the Y6 boys coming 3rd in  the relay!

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  • Rounders Tournament at Lichfield Cathedral School

    Published 26/06/17

    We had an absolutely fantastic time at Lichfield Cathedral School playing in a rounders tournament with children across the Federation.

    We won our first 2 matches and got into the semi-finals.

    We played our semi-final match and drew 4 all but lost due to it being on numbers of children out. We entered the play off for 3rd and 4th place and came 4th / 9 teams in total.

    Children played excellently with superb sportsman ship.

    It was a superb evening and children and families had a great time.


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