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All Saints C of E Primary School

Read All About It!

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Our read all about it page has pages of wonderful photos of the learning in our school. From September 2019 we will not be adding any further photographs here as we are using the forum of Twitter!  Please join us! 

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  • Spotlight Diocese News - Fruits of the Spirit

    Published 19/09/16

    We are thrilled to see our children, Mrs Rees and all of the work completed by Mrs Smith, the WI recognised in the Lichfield Diocese magazine - September / October.

    “The New Testament Letter to the Christians in Galatia tells us that the Holy Spirit gives a person "fruit" in their life. Nine fruits are listed in Chapter 5 verses 22-25 as being "love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control." So real are these qualities which the Spirit gives that we can often see them in our own lives and in the lives of others. Verse 25 tells us ’If our lives are centred in the Spirit, let us be guided by the Spirit’. “Members of the Parochial Church Council of All Saints Church, Rangemore created an award to be presented annually at the local school. Working closely with the Head Teacher and Staff of their local school All Saints (C of E) Primary School, School Christian Club and School Council, it was agreed to present the award to the child who, nominated by other pupils and staff, best displays the "Fruits of the Spirit" in their life. “The award itself was a handcrafted basket of fruit made out of natural materials, each piece bearing the name of one of the nine qualities. To involve the wider community in the award scheme, the Rangemore and Tatenhill Branch of the Women’s Institute (Craft Crew) were 'commissioned' by the church to design and make the fruit basket. The names of award winners are embroidered onto the lid of the basket. “The first ‘Fruits of the Spirit’ award was made during the End of Term Service in All Saint's Church on Tuesday 19 July this year. It followed much teaching and encouragement on the subject, included in school worship and songs, classroom subjects and school displays. The children know about the Fruits of the Spirit. All Saints School have been delighted with the response and have even noticed a change of attitude within the school community. “’The Fruits of the Spirit Award’ is testimony to how the Bible can encourage and direct our lives.”

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  • Thanksgiving and Holy Communion

    Published 16/09/16

    We held a beautiful service today in order to present our new children with their bibles and  to hold a communion service. It was a beautiful, reflective time and great to see so many families in attendance.


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  • Outstanding School

    Published 14/09/16

    All Saints’ Church of England (C) Primary School is an ‘Outstanding’ school

    It is with immense and delighted pleasure that we are able to share with you our inspection grading and report from our OFSTED inspection which was held at the beginning of July. We thank the whole staff team, children and families for their hard work over the last few years in order to show a trajectory of excellence which has enabled us to achieve an OUTSTANDING grade, this is the highest OFSTED achievement and we are very happy, thankful and proud.

    The report is 10 pages long, 7 of which is a written evaluation of our school. It is an outstanding report with so many positive statements so we have selected a flavour of quotes to share from the 4 main areas of inspection:

    About your children

    “Pupils have exceptionally positive attitudes to learning. They are keen to succeed and take great pride in their work.” Pupils thoroughly enjoy learning and make rapid progress across the school.”

    “Pupils told the inspector that they correct their work because it ‘helps us to learn more.’

    “Pupils’ behaviour in lessons and around the school is impressive. They are extremely polite and courteous to one another and adults.”

    “Pupils play extremely well together.” “Pupils really enjoy their learning. They are continually inquisitive and ask questions because they are so keen to learn. They want to do their very best. The inspector saw many examples of pupils persevering with challenging work. Pupils appreciate the praise they receive and are very proud of their learning.”

    “Pupils enjoy their sports lessons, they all participate and the proportion attending after-school clubs is very high.”

    About leadership:

    ”The executive headteacher and governing body have been highly successful in addressing the issues from the last inspection. Their relentless drive to improve standards has led to rapid improvements in teaching, learning, behaviour and outcomes for the pupils currently in the school. Leaders are very committed to providing a highly inclusive school where every pupil is valued and supported to achieve their best, no matter what their ability or background.” “The executive headteacher is extremely well supported by the deputy headteachers and other leaders. All have equally high expectations of pupils and are committed to providing the very best education for all groups of pupils. They carefully monitor the progress of pupils, providing prompt and highly effective support for any pupil who starts to fall behind in their learning.” “Leadership of the early years is strong. The leader is passionate about providing the best possible start for every child and is extremely knowledgeable about assessment requirements and planning work that suits the needs of     individual children…” “The governors have a breadth of skills and experience and use them exceptionally well to support and challenge school leaders. Governors’ and leaders’ ambitions for pupils are equally high and they are committed to ensuring that all pupils receive the highest quality teaching…”

    About teaching:

    ”Teaching over time is leading to outstanding outcomes for pupils currently in the school. Work in pupils’ books and the school’s progress information shows that pupils currently in the school are making   outstanding progress. This is because teachers have high expectations of pupils; they want them to succeed. Pupils are encouraged to challenge themselves in their learning and teachers provide the support pupils need to move on to more difficult work. The relationships between teachers and pupils are very positive.” ”Teachers have excellent subject knowledge and they use this exceptionally well to question pupils in order to check their understanding and deepen their learning. Pupils who demonstrate a good understanding are quickly moved on to the next task.” ”Teaching assistants are very well trained, highly skilled and effective in their role. They work in close partnership with teachers and have a good understanding of the requirements of the pupils they support.” “Teachers show a passion for the subjects they teach.” “The federation  arrangements allow staff in both schools to learn from one another.”

    About personal development, behaviour and welfare:

    “Pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is exceptionally well catered for.” “The school  provides a very secure learning environment, which enables pupils to flourish and develop into self-assured and confident young people.” “Behaviour in the playground and dining hall is exemplary.” ”Pupils’ behaviour in lessons is exceptionally good. Their enthusiasm for learning is obvious. ….. When working in groups or individually, pupils concentrate very well on their work.” “The school is fully inclusive and all pupils are taught to value and respect one another. Pupils agree that the school helps them to be friendly towards one another, describing the school as being ‘a team because we all work together.’ Parents agree. ‘The inclusive ethos is about older children taking responsibility for making younger children feel included. It works.’ reflects a typical parent comment.”

    We hope that you enjoy reading our report and share our fabulous new widely

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  • Leavers Service

    Published 29/07/16

    Our leavers lunches and services were very special. The children celebrated their time at Rangemore and their reflections were beautiful sharing so many memories. We know that they are all capable of great things and wish them every success for the future, we look forward to hearing how they are achieving and what dreams they are pursuing.

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  • Sports Day

    Published 21/07/16

    What a fabulous Sports Day on Thursday, how lucky were we with the weather. The children had great fun taking part in all the events. The children encouraged each other in all the events. Thanks you to the parent for your wonderful support. Well done to those who won the Sports Day! Thank you for all of your support in cheering on all the children who took part! Mr P.

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  • Our Very First School Eucharist

    Published 21/07/16

    A First For Our School!

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  • Our Fruits of the Spirit Winner!

    Published 21/07/16

    Our Annual Fruits of the Spirit Winner 2016!

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  • All Saints Got Talent 2016!

    Published 21/07/16

    What talent we have!

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  • YMCA visit

    Published 20/07/16

    It was great to be in the Tuesday people with the work we completed with the YMCA. Additionally, some children, across the federation, attended the YMCA building this week where they observed the YMCA in action, viewed a flat, the common lounge, and made up the first night boxes with some of the items you sent in so that they could see first-hand what happened with the items we collected. They met volunteers and service users and had a super but humbling time. They took photos to make a video blog to share with the rest of the school which, I am sure, will be well received in worship.

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  • Fruits of the Spirit Annual Award

    Published 19/07/16

    We are proud to present our annual, fruits of the spirit award! This amazing young man has presented al l of the fruits of the spirit all year!

    Additionally, since Mrs Rees outlined that the Rangemore and Tatenhill WI were excited to knit the fruits and basket for our ‘Fruits of the Spirit Award’, we were so thankful and over the moon!  Over the past few months that they have been beavering away knitting for us, we have felt excited to see the outcomes; which have truly come to fruition today!  We have felt incredibly privileged to have been supported by the WI and we particularly love the additional touch of sewing the name of the achiever each year and 14 years of blank spaces will enable longevity of this special award.

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  • First Communion

    Published 19/07/16

    We are very proud of the 6 children who chose to take their first communion this week after a term of learning about the Eucharist with the passionate drive of Mrs Smith. It was a full communion service where several children also received a blessing and it was a beautiful, special service. We thank Rev Les and Wendy Rees for their support and leading such a precious service.

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  • Amateur Radio Foundation Licence

    Published 18/07/16

    5 children at All Saints’ Church of England Primary school, Rangemore. celebrated success this week by achieving their ‘Foundation Licence Amateur Radio examination’ after 12 months of study culminating in a final practical, theory and Morse Examinations.’ This qualification is usually secured by adults and is something which they can add to their CVs for the future as well as use their licence to communicate with other amateur radio enthusiasts across the globe. We hope to complete our original plan to speak to the International Space Station, which at this time will be Dr. Kathleen Rubins who is also licenced radio amateur. Mrs Gethin, (executive headteacher) said “We congratulate our children on their achievements. This work forms part of a range of work in encouraging all of our children and especially girls, in the world of science, mathematics and engineering . Additionally, we are so thankful to Mr Roger Ridley  and Mr Mike Surplice for their commitment to our Federation in leading this ARISS project and Mr Ridley’s continued leadership of our chess clubs too. Mrs Ridley said of the children’s achievement, “The reason I do this is to inspire young people into scientific exploration and they have excelled .”

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