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All Saints C of E Primary School

Read All About It!

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Our read all about it page has pages of wonderful photos of the learning in our school. From September 2019 we will not be adding any further photographs here as we are using the forum of Twitter!  Please join us! 

Page 21

  • What A Knight!

    Published 14/07/16

    Our performances were magical, we are so proud of our children for their talented acting, singing and dancing, their confidence and team spirit in putting on such a fabulous play – the script was perfect to showcase the children’s humour and enthusiasm. We thank our amazing deputy, Mrs Smith for leading entertainers and to Mrs Wells and Mr Preston who pulled it all together and polished it off and to all the staff for their dedicated hard work to ensure that the children were as good as they could be and that it was a success. We thank Mrs Goss and Helena Walker for the back drops, to Abi and George for the Scones, to all the families for helping learn the words, songs, props, costumes also thank the pta for the refreshments and treat for the children, it added to the family spirit.

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  • All Saints' Primary School Notice of Ofsted Inspection

    Published 05/07/16

    We are pleased to notify you that we are being inspected by Ofsted on Wednesday 6th and Thursday 7th July 2016

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  • Race For Life 2016

    Published 28/06/16

    31 children across The Forest Federation had a fantastic event running for 'Race for Life' and have raised over £1300 for such a worthy cause. We had a wonderful time, it was fabulous to see the children and families running around the field and it was special to see younger siblings too, the toddlers loved it!  We also thank the parents who helped with refreshments. We are so proud of the children for entering into the spirit of the event, raising such great funds and it Is important to mention several families at Needood who rasied nearly £50 each and one family from Rangemore who raised over £1000. When they arrived on the field the girl said, "At first I felt nervous but when I got there I felt excited and happy. I am so proud to have raised so much and was determined to give it my all for all of the people who have supported me. So many people supported me because I wrote a letter saying that I was running in honour of my Nanna and my dads mum and 2 uncles as well as my mum's friend who is currently fighting back cancer. I was thrilled to raise £1,089 towards the school total." Well done to everyone. 

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  • Year 3 Cross Country at Keele University

    Published 24/06/16

    Year 3 boys cross country competition winners from across the federation had a memorable and fabulous day at Keele university for the School Games! They didn't win but they all took part with excellent sportsmanship and also enjoyed the zorbing football, activities and ice-creams! We are proud of their involvement, well done boys.

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  • Holy Communion

    Published 23/06/16

    The children in KS2 went to church to find out what happens in a  Communion service. Mrs Rees and Mr Harrison explained to the children in the detail the significance of the service and what the bread and wine represents. The children were able to watch a demonstration of how to take communion and sampled the wafers (but not the wine!).

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  • Rounders Tournament 2016

    Published 21/06/16

    Whilst we didn't get through to the final this year, we did have a fantastic time and the children learnt a great deal about their own skills and developed tac-tics in the game. We are proud of their sporting spirit.


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  • Father's Day Celebrations

    Published 17/06/16

    Families had an excellent Fathers’ Day celebration this week with wonderful lunches across 2 days and then a beautiful service where children shared memories, thoughts, common ‘dadisms’, singing and prayer to consider the role of dad, and to think about dads in school, absent and ill dads and people undertaking the role of dad. It was special. Happy Fathers’ Day.

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  • Summer Fair 2016

    Published 12/06/16

    We had a fabulous day at our Summer Fair. We were blessed with the weather and a wonderful amount of
    donations and a great number of volunteers, including children from KS2 to help make the day a success. Lots of people visited from the school and village community and further a field. A great day was had by all and we raised circa £1400 towards our new staging. Well done and thank you!

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  • Birmingham Symphony Hall and Art Gallery / Museum

    Published 09/06/16

    Class 3 at Needwood and class 4 at Rangemore had a truly fantastic day visiting Birmingham. They thoroughly enjoyed the concert at the Symphony Hall which used the full CBSO and music by Mendelssohn, Britten, Walton and Prokofiev to explore how composers down the centuries have let Shakespeare’s poetry ignite their imagination, this included songs from the Lion King, West Side Story and the theme tune to 'The Apprentice' originally written by Prokofiev for Romeo and Juliet! The also sketched in the square and visited to the Museum and art gallery where they explored many exhibits ranging from ancient cultures to the history of Birmingham's people.  It was a fabulous day. 

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  • YMCA Day

    Published 27/05/16

    The forest federation took part in YMCA day today in order to develop the children’s understanding of our local community needs and the need and emotions of homeless people and how we can help. They raised funds bringing donations and provisions to support vulnerable adults without a home who turn up at the YMCA with nothing and have the opportunity to have their own toothbrush and toothpaste a towels and shower gel in order to start to get back on their feet. The children entered a competition to design their own dream house and there were a large number and variety of entries with some fantastic ideas! The YMCA do an amazing job and the children got a real understanding of the need for this charity and service and were so pleased to take part.  Mrs Gethin commented, “It was a really emotional day, we were overwhelmed with the amount of provisions that the children brought in and how articulate and the level of understanding the children and about this local need, we are very proud of them and hope to continue supporting this very worthwhile, local branch."

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  • Fruits Of The Spirit Award

    Published 27/05/16

    Chidlren have received awards for demonstrating love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-ontrol.

    The New Testament Letter to the Christians in Galatia tells us that the Holy Spirit gives a person "fruit" in their life. Nine fruits are listed in Chapter 5 verses 22-25 as being "love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control." So real are these qualities which the Spirit gives that we can often see them in our own lives and in the lives of others. Verse 25 tells us "If our lives are centred in the Spirit, let us be guided by the Spirit".

                       Members of the Parochial Church Council of All Saints Church, Rangemore have created an award to be presented annually at our local school. Working closely with the Head Teacher and Staff of their local school All Saints (C of E) Primary School, School Christian Club and School Council, it was agreed to present the award to the child who, nominated by other pupils and staff, best displays the "Fruits of the Spirit" in their life. In addition, at regular intervals during the year, a certificate and knitted fruit representing one of the qualities will be given to a deserving pupil, giving momentum to the project. 

                      The award itself will take the form of a handcrafted basket of fruit made out of natural materials, each piece bearing the name of one of the nine qualities. To involve the wider community in the award scheme, the Rangemore and Tatenhill Branch of the Womens' Institute (Craft Crew) have been 'commissioned' by the church to design and make the fruit basket. The names of award winners will be embroidered onto the lid of the basket.

    fruits-of-the-spirit-loveWe'll make the first full year "Fruits of the Spirit" award during the End of Term Service in All Saint's Church on Tuesday 19 July this year. This follows  on from half termly awards for children from each class demonstrating one of the ‘fruits’ and much teaching and encouragement on the subject, which has frequently been included in school worship and songs, classroom subjects and school displays. The children know about the Fruits of the Spirit. All Saints School have been delighted with the response and have even noticed a change of attitude within the school community.

                  "The Fruits of the Spirit Award" will be testimony to how words from the Bible can encourage and direct our lives.


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  • Cross Country Tournament

    Published 24/05/16

    The cross country tournament was fantastic. Despite being completely drenched and quite cold the four year groups did extremely well yesterday with the year 3 Federation boys team winning overall in that category and achieving a place at Keele university for the school games festival! Well done to all of the children who took part and to the boys for their achievement.

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