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All Saints C of E Primary School

Read All About It!

We are now on Twitter -

Our read all about it page has pages of wonderful photos of the learning in our school. From September 2019 we will not be adding any further photographs here as we are using the forum of Twitter!  Please join us! 

Page 7

  • Charity Day, Metacognition, The Brain and a Celebration of Life.

    Published 29/09/18

    We had a wonderful day learning about the brain, creating artwork and raising money for our charity day. Thank you so much for your kind donations of cakes and pennies to go to the Brain Tumour charity and Donna Louise. We look forward to developing our work around metacognition, thinking about our thinking and learning. 

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  • John Coltman delivers our worship

    Published 24/09/18

    John Coltman delivered the worship today. He told the story of the two crosses in which his Grandfather, William Coltman, who was awarded the Victoria Cross for his efforts during the First World War. Due to his heroic actions William Coltman has become the most decorated other tank in the British Army.

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  • Burton School of Music Yamaha

    Published 19/09/18

    Burton Music and Yamaha led an excellent assembly with our children, the singing and clapping to the rhythm was exceptionally powerful, the children particularly enjoyed the ‘Queen’ songs, fabulous rock! Perhaps some children will want to take up their music lessons

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  • Leavers Service and Hummer!

    Published 19/07/18


    Our year 6 children made us so very proud today in our leavers service. They demonstrated just what a cohesive group of friends they are, sharing their sense of fun, talents, memories and we thank them for their wonderful journey at All Saints. How great to see them go off in their hummer.

    We thank:

    Mrs Wells and Mrs Jones for being awesome.

    All the staff in these children’s learning journey.

    The PTA for the dictionary donations.

    School for the Bibles.

    Mrs Pillinger for organising the leaving do, hoodies and the gifts. We thank all the families for the kind gifts for staff.

    Rev. Les and Wendy

    The WI.



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  • Mindfulness

    Published 12/07/18


    Whole classes across the federation as well as a group of children have enjoyed mindfulness sessions with Anna Morrone this summer, what a wonderful opportunity which will help them manage stress and be more mindful in their daily lives. 

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  • Sports Day 2018

    Published 10/07/18

    Children had excellent sports day and it was wonderful to see so many families there to enjoy our events! Thank you to the PTA for serving refreshments and Mrs Wells and her class for organising and making sure it runs smoothly. We are genuinely sorry we ran out of time for adult races! 


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  • The symphony hall and Dippy the dinosaur

    Published 06/07/18

    The Symphony Hall and Dippy the dinosaur

    Year 4 and 5 from across the Federation had an amazing day at the Symphony Hall listening to an orchestra and also visiting Dippy the Dinosaur at the history museum as well as sketching the local area and evaluating their day!

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  • Federation Games Day 2018

    Published 28/06/18

    A huge thank you to Mrs Pendleton for organising our Federation Games Day, for the Blessed Robert Sutton Partnership for facilitating it and to the staff, children and families for a wonderful day! We were blessed with an overcast start and a gentle breeze! Children had an unlimited supply of water and lots of opportunity for shade. Children enjoyed working in teams on a variety of fun activities and ended the day with a fabulous, family picnic.


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  • Year 6 rounders tournament at Paget

    Published 19/06/18

    Children had a super time and  played brilliantly in the Dove  Valley tournament this evening which was held at Paget high school. They came third in their group winning one match and narrowly losing two others. They played well as a team and set a wonderful example of our school. Well done guys.

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  • Race For Life

    Published 18/06/18

    Children had fun running and raising £17 at All Saints for Cancer Research



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  • School fair

    Published 16/06/18

    View all the photos in the gallery. 

    A huge thank you to everyone for their hard work in making today so special , it was a vibrant, successful fair and everyone had a super time.  I don’t imagine that any other fair had hook a duck in a JCB digger! There were a huge range of vehicles, the fire brigade, a metal work artist, lots of refreshments, a Tombola, find the bottle, sweet stall, archery, and a bouncy castle to name a few! The band were fantastic and we loved listening to Elsa and Belle as well as balloon modelling with Mrs Sparkles. What a great day. 




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