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Needwood C of E Primary School

Read All About It!

We are now on Twitter -

Our read all about it page has pages of wonderful photos of the learning in our school. From September 2019 we will not be adding any further photographs here as we are using Twitter!  Please join us! 

Page 10

  • Jordan Lambert leads Worship

    Published 22/03/18
    Jordan Lambert is from the Renew Church in Uttoxeter and he visited school to talk about his church and to lead a worship. Jordan led a worship that focused upon our Fruits of the Spirit value of ‘self-control’ which the children have bee
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  • Holy Communion

    Published 22/03/18

    What a beautiful Communion service today, thank you to Rev Les and Wendy for a super afternoon.

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  • 7th Birthday Party and Harvey Girls Visit

    Published 19/03/18

    A child at Needwood had a wonderful, special 7th birthday party with all of his friends and family. They watched Paddington 2, had so many goodies and a lovely meal after the film! He kindly donated his gifts to the charity Harvey Girls, what a kind thing to do, also a Harvey Girls bear came along to collect them. We wish him an amazing 7th Birthday. 


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  • Worship with Mr Coltman

    Published 14/03/18

    On Wednesday 14th March the children enjoyed the next worship in a sequence delivered by Mr Coltman about Jesus' stepping stones and his journey through life.

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  • Science Afternoon

    Published 13/03/18

    On Tuesday afternoon   Class 1 from Rangemore visited Class 1 at Needwood. We had an exciting afternoon taking part in lots of science investigations. We made wax resist pictures, explored our senses, made magic potions and explored magnets.  We all worked well together and made new friends too!



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  • PTA Mothering Sunday afternoon tea

    Published 09/03/18

    We thank our PTA for an amazing Mothering Sunday afternoon tea, it was vibrant and full of atmosphere. The refreshments and cakes were so wonderful!

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  • Mothering Sunday Service

    Published 09/03/18

    Children held a beautiful Mothering Sunday Service. It was joyful, loving, good and kind as they reflected on the fruits of the spirit and motherhood in the bible, a great celebration of mothers across the world. All women and men who take on the role of mother, what a beautiful service and refreshments afterwards!

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  • World Book Day

    Published 08/03/18


    Children are having a super day completing world book day activities, wearing PJs – lots of onesies, reading with parents who have been able to come to their reading slots, writing bedtime prayers and showcasing their story book boxes! What a super day.


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  • Gotta Dance - Lichfield Garrick

    Published 27/02/18

    SSPA events logoChildren had an amazing time on the evening of Wednesday 27th February taking part in the Schools Gotta Dance showcasing event at the Lichfield Garrick theatre. Children from across the federation took part and families came and had a wonderful evening watching the talent on stage. We were incredibly proud of our children who had a fantastic time, smiled throughout, danced their hearts out and just relished such an amazing opportunity.





















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  • PTA Valentine's Disco

    Published 16/02/18

    Children had an excellent time at the PTA Valentine’s Disco, thank you to all the families and PTA for their support in making this such fun!

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  • Chinese New Year

    Published 16/02/18

    Children had an excellent day celebrating Chinese New Year! They dressed up and completed lots of activities, and we also like to express a huge thank you to Miss Ridgeway and North West Leicestershire District Council, Stronger   Safer Communities Team for sending in a fortune cookie for each child with cybercrime/cybersafe message inside.

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  • Worship reflection

    Published 15/02/18

    On Tuesday 15th February the whole school got together for their half termly reflection on one of our Fruits of the Spirit values. This half term we have been thinking about 'joy'.

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