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Needwood C of E Primary School

Read All About It!

We are now on Twitter -

Our read all about it page has pages of wonderful photos of the learning in our school. From September 2019 we will not be adding any further photographs here as we are using Twitter!  Please join us! 

Page 11

  • Filming for the Diocese

    Published 15/02/18

    The diocese produced some short ‘progress report’ films about the four missional projects that Bishop Michael launched last May ready for the ‘Next Steps’ event at Lichfield Cathedral on 3 March. One f these projects was the Bishop’s retreat which our federation children attended called putting WOW-Factor into Worship. Our Worship team were interviewed and filmed this morning and they had a super time!

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  • Shrove Tuesday 'Pancake' Races

    Published 13/02/18


    Children had excellent fun this morning considering the real reason for the pancake races – Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday - the beginning of lent. Children and siblings – even staff - loved their races and families enjoyed cheering them on.

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  • Shrove Tuesday

    Published 13/02/18
    On Tuesday 13th February the whole school took part in our annual pancake races. The children were asked to consider the meaning behind Shorove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday. They participated in races in the hall, due to the poor weather condi
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  • Christian Club

    Published 07/02/18

    Christian Club meet once a week at lunch time with Mrs Wendy Rees.

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  • Athletics John Taylor High School

    Published 06/02/18

    Children from across the federation had a super evening at the athletics tournament at John Taylor High school with a whole range of athletics activities including running, tag team and skipping! A great evening was had by all.

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  • Class 3 fundraiser - Maths - for a pet!

    Published 02/02/18

    Children and families in class 3 had an amazing, fundraising afternoon in order to realise their dream of a class pet. They organised, with the hard work and help of Miss McAdam, a maths quiz afternoon linked to their drive for times tables excellence. Children also made and sold cakes! It was great to see so much support from families, energy and enthusiasm and practice! Well done. 

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  • Holy Communion

    Published 01/02/18

    Children had a beautiful, reverent service for Holy Communion today. Thank you to Fr Graham Bott for leading today!

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  • Worship with Mr Coltman

    Published 31/01/18

    On Wednesday 31st January Mr Coltman from Winshill Gospel Hall led worship on Jesus' stepping stones and his journey through life.

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  • Farewell to the Shanghai Teachers

    Published 27/01/18

    Sadly, the two weeks that the Shanghai teachers, Hou Linyan and Huang Shuxin have spent in the UK has now come to an end.

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  • Book Fair!

    Published 25/01/18

    A huge thank you to our School Council for asking for a book fair, it was a popular event. 

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  • Visitors From Shanghai

    Published 25/01/18

    Children have had a wonderful time with our visitors from Shanghai sharing their learning of our motto in Mandarin as well as showcasing maypole dancing and other talents some of our individual children have. Our visitors had a fabulous visit to the UK and we are proud to have been part of this special opportunity. We thank them for their generosity of gifts and taking the time to talk to our children about culture and school life!



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  • Fr Graham Bott's Institution and Installation and a First Holy Communion!

    Published 24/01/18

    I was privileged to attend Fr Graham Bott’s  institution and installation service at Hoar Cross church this week. He was licenced to be Priest in Charge and he has now been appointed as the Vicar. It was a beautiful service and what made it even more special is a child in class 2 at Needwood also received their first Holy Communion

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