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Needwood C of E Primary School

Read All About It!

We are now on Twitter -

Our read all about it page has pages of wonderful photos of the learning in our school. From September 2019 we will not be adding any further photographs here as we are using Twitter!  Please join us! 

Page 12

  • John Taylor Sports Ambassadors

    Published 24/01/18

    On Wednesday 24th January, three year 8 sports ambassadors from John Taylor High School, supported by Mrs Berry,   gave a presentation on the Football World Cup 2018.

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  • Fauld Gypsum Mine Competition

    Published 22/01/18

    We are so very thankful for Fauld Gypsum mine for their community work they complete with us and for engaging our children so well with their competition. The prizes are superb quality and wonderfully linked with the theme, well done to the children who won!

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  • Carol Service at All Saints Church by candlelight

    Published 19/12/17
    Christmas Carol Service Children, staff and families had a magical, special evening at Needwood’s Carol service. All Saints Church was lit by candlelight and children, staff, families and community all sang together!
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  • Needwood's Got Talent

    Published 19/12/17

    What a talented bunch of children we have at Needwood!

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  • Christmas Party and a Special Visitor!

    Published 19/12/17

    The children enjoyed their Christmas party with crackers and party food, entertainment and a visit from someone special...

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  • TT Rockstars Launch Day

    Published 18/12/17

    We held a Times Table Rockstars launch day for which the children dressed up as their avatar rockstars and had regular opportunities to practice their times tables throughout the day, everytime their teacher started to play some rock music they had to leap into action and practice quick response questions to times tables relevant to their year group. 

    Knowing times tables instantly is crucial to children's future success in mathematics and at the Forest Federation we place importance on knowing all these tables by the end of year 4.

    We thank the children for their participation and ask that they practice regularly at home until they have secured quick recall of all tables. 

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  • Christmas Jumper Day!

    Published 15/12/17

    Save the Children's Christmas Jumper Day


    Children put on their Christmas jumpers today for Children in Need. There were a whole range from flashing lights, sparkles, traditional, humorous, even ones with bells and tunes. The monies raised go to children across the globe who are less fortunate than ourselves.

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  • Worship Reflection

    Published 14/12/17

    This half term the children have been reflecting on the fruit of the spirit of 'peace'. 

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  • Christmas Dinner

    Published 14/12/17

    Needwood children and staff enjoyed their Christmas lunch on Thursday 14th December.

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  • Lights Camel Action! Christmas Nativity

    Published 14/12/17

    Christmas Nativity and Carols

    Children and families had a magical time at our Lights Camel Action Christmas performance. The singing, dancing, judging and compering was amazing, what a wonderful start to Christmas. We thank staff for ensuring it was a special event, well-practiced with a full complement of costumes, props, lights and back drop, to the children for learning their lines, song words and making it such a vibrant event and to families and the community for their help with costumes, lines, support and attendance. We also thank out PTA for organising the raffle!

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  • Worship with Mr. Coltman

    Published 13/12/17

    On Wednesday 13th December, the children at Needwood enjoyed a worship with Mr. John Coltman from Winshill Gospel Hall.

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  • Pantomime!

    Published 13/12/17

    Children had a superb time at the pantomome at Lichfoeld Garrick. They were all brilliantly behaved,, had lots of fun, singing and dancing and calling out all the panto lines! We thank staff and parent volunteers for a fabulous time.

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