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Needwood C of E Primary School

Read All About It!

We are now on Twitter -

Our read all about it page has pages of wonderful photos of the learning in our school. From September 2019 we will not be adding any further photographs here as we are using Twitter!  Please join us! 

Page 14

  • John Taylor Indoor Athletics

    Published 16/11/17

    Well done to the year 5 & 6 children who took part in the athletics on Tuesday afternoon in John Taylor Sport Hall. Everyone worked really hard and there was some fantastic performances.

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  • Thank You Rev. Les and Mrs Rees

    Published 13/11/17

    It was a special day today and a wonderful opportunity to say thank you to Rev. Les and Mrs Rees for all their hard work, spiritual guidance and love for the children and community of Needwood as well as the other schools in the federation and parish and other churches in the benefice.  The children sang songs, read scripture, poems, prayers, made posters and even told jokes in praise and thanks for Reverend Les’ contribution to the children and staff at our school and the school community.

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  • Multicultural Day

    Published 07/11/17

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  • Collective Worship with Reverend Les

    Published 06/11/17

    Reverend Les delivered collective worship on Monday 6th November. The theme of the worship was ‘peace’ as this is the fruit of the spirit that the children are focusing upon this half term. The children were very thoughtful and reflective in their participation in the service and we thank Reverend Les for visiting us. We look forward to our thank you service for Reverend Les which is on Monday 13th November at 9.15am in the church. Everyone is welcome to join us.

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  • Shugborough - the last night.

    Published 02/11/17

    You'll be pleased to know that after a fabulous last day the children are sound asleep. It's not easy to upload here on my phone but I'll add more this weekend. 

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  • Shugborough - some more!

    Published 02/11/17

    Shugborough - spme photos for parents.


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  • Shugborough - A snippett

    Published 01/11/17

    this is just a little update to say that the children are having a ball. They have been blessed with good weather and the activities, food and sleep have been successful (well the sleep as expected). As they enter day 3 they will be getting more tired but the fun they are having and the teams they are building is worth it! There is little connectivity there and staff are on duty the whole time so it’s a bit different to the other sites where they had time to message and post photos. Anyway, just a little update to say that the children are happy and safe and having fun.


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  • Collective Worship Reflection

    Published 22/10/17

    In the first half of the Autumn Term, collective worship has focused on the Fruit of the Spirit of love. Each week the children have reflected upon how God shows his love to ourselves, our family, our school, our local community and globally.


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  • Chief Inspector Neeson

    Published 12/10/17

    We have been very lucky to have Chief Inspector Neeson come to school to talk about crime and punishment with Class 3. This has been the children's History topic for this half term so yesterday they got the amazing opportunity to ask all of their questions and hear some of his fascinating stories. The children thoroughly enjoyed their afternoon!

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  • Chocolate Bingo!

    Published 09/10/17

    Afterschool club had fun at Chocolate bingo! Thank you to Mrs Goring and Mrs Hodson Walker for making this happen!

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  • Delivering Harvest Produce!

    Published 04/10/17

    We donated some harvest produce to local villagers, they were very thankful.


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  • Visiting Author - Clare Balding

    Published 04/10/17

    Children from across the Forest Federation went to meet the author Clare Balding, in another event organised for us by Burton Library.  Following the success of Year 6’s War Bride experience the Year 5 cohort got their chance this time, attending a meet and greet with the author, who was in Burton to launch her new book.  They learnt about the writing process and how Clare gets inspiration for some of her stories, as well as getting a chance to buy and get books signed.


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