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Needwood C of E Primary School

Read All About It!

We are now on Twitter -

Our read all about it page has pages of wonderful photos of the learning in our school. From September 2019 we will not be adding any further photographs here as we are using Twitter!  Please join us! 

Page 15

  • Banghara Dancing

    Published 04/10/17

    On Tuesday, Year Two children visited John Taylor High School to participate in a Bhangra dancing session. They thoroughly enjoyed themselves as they joined other children from local primary schools in an afternoon of fun. John Taylor staff were very impressed by the effort and ability of all children who took part. The coach driver also expressed how polite and kind pupils were during their trip.

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  • Worship Team Residential Retreat

    Published 01/10/17

    At the end of September, children from across The Forest Federation visited Dovedale House, in Ilam, Staffordshire, for a residential retreat, with two other schools.

    Thought provoking activities flowed throughout the visit, all of which challenged ideas and notions, and aroused inspiration and renewal.

    The children joined in with Taize style of worship which involves chanting short units of verse. The magnificent church of, St Bertram’s in the heart of the village, and the chapel at the retreat, provided a stunning setting for the candlelight service.

    Reverend Les Rees, and his wife, Wendy, joined Bishop Geoff, and staff as the children took part in the activities.

    The comfortable accommodation and delicious food were welcomed by the children and staff and completed a spiritual, refreshing and highly enjoyable visit.

    The visit fulfilled and exceeded our expectations and will support the development of our worship within our schools.

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  • Harvest and Thanksgiving

    Published 28/09/17

    Image result for harvest and thanksgiving

    Our Harvest and Thanksgiving service was a wonderful event.

    The church looked beautiful and we are thankful to all of our parents and families for their donations which will be delivered to local villagers and the YMCA food bank.

    The children’s songs, readings, scripture, prayers and involvement was wonderful and reflective. We thank Rev. Les for presenting our new children with their Bibles for their full learning journey at our school and beyond.

    What a special, reflective afternoon.

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  • Mascot - Manchester United VS Burton Albion

    Published 21/09/17

    A boy at our federation was lucky to be a mascot at the Manchester United VS Burton Albion match this week!

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  • A beautiful, sunny day. 

    Published 06/08/17

    How lovely to see 2 of our boys playing together outside! Oh and we also got beaten at UNO again! 

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  • Year 6 Leavers Service

    Published 19/07/17

    Children had an excellent afternoon celebrating our year 6 leavers learning journey at Needwood, it was an afternoon full of memories, humour and fun! Parents enjoyed sharing refreshments and play afterwards and we thank our children and staff for an excellently prepared service.

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  • Reading Challenge Launch

    Published 18/07/17

    We had a special visitor in worship this morning - Liz Gardner from Staffordshire Library Service came to speak to the children about the Summer Reading Challenge which the chilren can take part in. Children are encouraged to visit their local library and read 6 books during the holiday to receive stickers, a medal and a certificate whilst contributing to their schools uptake of the challenge in which we can win a trophy. So get reading!

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  • Race For life

    Published 17/07/17

    Children had an amazing afternoon at our ‘Race For Life’ with some children running in excess of 5 miles. Lots of parents ran too! We raised £491.50 for a really worthwhile cause.

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  • Summer Library Challenge

    Published 17/07/17

    We launched the library summer reading challenge at both schools across the Federation.

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  • Turin shroud Federation Day

    Published 07/07/17

    Children had an amazing day as they all came together, at All Saints, from cross the Federation to worship, play and learn together due to the visiting exhibition of the replica Turin Shroud and a variety of interactive items . The morning was spent in a service led by Mrs Smith, supported by Rev. Les, Wendy and Christian club. Children then had a chance in small groups to explore the exhibition; they undertook activities around school such as peace doves, and prayer bead making to send to our joined school in Uganda - Little Angels. It was a beautiful day.

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  • Sports Morning

    Published 06/07/17

    We had fantastic weather for our Sports Morning, the chidlren competed well as individuals and contributed to their teams. The Lancaster Ladybirds were the overall winners this year - so many congratulations to them! We thank the PTA for organising half time refreshments they were well appreciated and we thank parents and grandparents for coming along and supporting the children. 

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  • Dove Valley Athletics!

    Published 04/07/17

    A great evening our success of the evening was the Y6 boys coming 3rd in  the relay! A great photo.

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