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Needwood C of E Primary School

Read All About It!

We are now on Twitter -

Our read all about it page has pages of wonderful photos of the learning in our school. From September 2019 we will not be adding any further photographs here as we are using Twitter!  Please join us! 

Page 16

  • Rounders Tournament Lichfield Cathedral School

    Published 26/06/17

    We had an absolutely fantastic time at Lichfield Cathedral School playing in a rounders tournament with children across the Federation.

    We won our first 2 matches and got into the semi-finals.

    We played our semi-final match and drew 4 all but lost due to it being on numbers of children out. We entered the play off for 3rd and 4th place and came 4th / 9 teams in total.

    Children played excellently with superb sportsman ship.

    It was a superb evening and children and families had a great time.

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  • Music Share - Joseph!

    Published 20/06/17

    Children and families had a beautiful summer evening at Hill Street Baptist church Joseph concert. Children sang beautifully and colourfully with enthusiasm, energy, feeling and volume! We thank Mr Mansfield and his team for their hard work in making this such a special night. Well done children, absolutely brilliant. (Sorry but children from other schools were in the photos so we cannot upload). 

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  • Fathers' Day Breakfast and Service

    Published 16/06/17

    Dads, Grandads and excellent male role models had a super breakfast and service today in preparation for Fathers' Day on Sunday.

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  • Class 3 Visit to Cadbury World

    Published 08/06/17

    Class 3 had a fantastic time on their visit to Cadbury world yesterday not only did they impress the lady who led the educational talk on The Mayans with their knowledge of games the Mayan people used to play and some very gruesome facts about them they also added to their knowledge, information about the Mayan number system and enjoyed watching a couple of members of the class dress up - one was a particularly scary King. It would be fair to say the children also enjoyed their chocolate samples both the ones they received exploring the factory and the ones they were able to bring home. 

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  • Cross Country Tournament

    Published 06/06/17

    Cross country was a wonderful, dry evening and, despite not coming in the top 3, all of our children ran really  well, excelling themselves over such a long distance, well done runners!


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  • Pirelli Stadium visit

    Published 26/05/17

    Children had an amazing day at Pirelli Stadium considering health eating, making fruit salads and smoothies, learning about nutrients and benefits of healthy eating. They also undertook physical activities in the form of team games and had an amazing tour around the stadium, into the changing rooms and in the team seats! It was an excellent day and thoroughly enjoyed by all.

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  • Boxercise Taster sessions

    Published 22/05/17

    All children at Needwood enjoyed some Boxercise sessions.  We all found this new form of fitness to be really fun and energetic.  Boxercise is said to develop hand-eye coordination, speed and reaction times.  We all felt a sense of achievement and enjoyed learning about a new way to build stamina, strength and fitness. 

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  • Christian Aid Afternoon Tea

    Published 19/05/17

    As part of Christian Aid week we held an afternoon tea in school to help raise money for the charity. We were most grateful for the donation of cake from families and thank members of the school and parish community for coming and supporting the event. We raised a massive £170 to send to the charity to help them carry out their vital work. 

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  • First Holy Communion Celebration 

    Published 19/05/17

    We were thrilled to observe another child take thier first Holy Communion during our communion service and take that next step in being part of God's family. It was lovely to see members of the child's family attend from around the world.  

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  • Hockey

    Published 16/05/17

    Children had a great time at Hockey, it was a very successful afternoon with both the Forest Federation team and Rangemore  getting through to the semi-finals (from 16 teams).  Neither team managed to win their semi but all did extremely well! 

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  • Well Dressing 2017

    Published 01/05/17

    Children and families had a wonderful day at Newborough village Well Dressing celebration and fete! It began with a wonderful service led by Rev. Les and Rt Revd Geoff Annas, the  Bishop of Stafford crowning the May Queen, reflecting on the theme of the day, Great British weather,  through the service of prayers, hymns and scripture reading. Accompanied by Councillor Beryl Toon, Mayor of East Staffordshire we processed through the village to each well following John Taylor dancers and a wonderful clog dancing group. The school well was entitled, Paddington. The rest of the day was spent enjoying the stalls and entertainment. Our children sang and danced 2 sets around maypole, there were other bands and groups to enjoy. It was a mixed day for weather but the small amount of rain did not stop the dancers, a great day was had by all. View the gallery!

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  • Easter Service 

    Published 07/04/17

    The whole school shared their Easter Service filled with songs, poems and a reading of the Easter Story in church with families. It was a lovely service reflecting on this important time of year. 

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