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Needwood C of E Primary School

Read All About It!

We are now on Twitter -

Our read all about it page has pages of wonderful photos of the learning in our school. From September 2019 we will not be adding any further photographs here as we are using Twitter!  Please join us! 

Page 17

  • Easter Prayer Tree

    Published 07/04/17

    Following our Easter Service in Church, familes joined the children back in school in decorating special eggs to hang alonside their prayers on our special Easter Tree in the main entrance. It was a fun filled afternoon with an egg hunt and refreshments provided by the PTA. 

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  • New Fruits of the Spirit Award

    Published 06/04/17

    Today we launched our new Fruits of the Spirit Award. This is a new half termly award that recognises the qualities as identified in Galatians 5 of the fruits of the spirit from our school values being lived out by the children. The awards are for: love,  joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. We are delighted to present these awards to the children and are thrilled to see them living out these values each and every day. 

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  • First Holy Communion Celebration 

    Published 06/04/17

    We are thrilled that three of our Year 3 children have taken their first Holy Communion during out Communion service this morning. This has followed our Eucharist teaching lessons for our year three children as part of our RE curriculum with Reverend Les and Wendy. We thank Reverend Les and Wendy for their continued support in school.  

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  • Gymnastics Tournament

    Published 25/03/17

    3 girls represented our school in a gymnastics competition of 135 children from 10 schools. One of the girls won 3rd prize with her floor routine out of 63 year 3/4 competitors.  Absolutely fantastic. It was a great confidence booster for them all. 

    We were one of the smallest teams there and our girls performed amazingly well. Each girl really stepped up to the competition. The floor routines went really well and all the girls went up a gear from their training. We were very proud of them all. One nailed an excellent vault which she hadn't done before,  another managed a good feet on second vault and another girl cleared hers too.

    The girls were an absolute credit to the school. Their behaviour, participation and sportsmanship were impeccable. Well Done. 

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  • Afternoon Tea

    Published 24/03/17

    A great big thank you goes to our PTA for hosting such an amazing afternoon tea! Families enjoyed cream teas and refreshments before playing outside with their children in the sunshine! It was well attended and really wonderful.

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  • Mothering Sunday Service

    Published 24/03/17

    Children and families had a beautiful afternoon in church celebrating Mothering Sunday. There were beautiful prayers, sayings, songs, and even inventions!  There was lots of humour as well as plenty of reverence. We thank Rev. Les and Wendy for their support, it was wonderful to see so many ‘mummies’ and families in church -  we hope that you had a lovely day.


    It’s a time that we revere all of our mummies, mothers who have passed, mothers who come in many forms. You find them in classrooms as teachers, some are foster, adoptive mothers, or stepmothers. Some yearn to have a child of their own, but cannot. Many care for the children of others as caregivers. Some are aunts, sisters, grandmothers, friends or dads undertaking the role of father and mother in one - all willingly and selflessly helping those around them. Se we extend Mothering Sunday to lift and encourage each other as a mother would. Celebrate Mothering Sunday with a new outlook and see the mothering skills we have inside us. Even efforts that seem small to us make a big difference in the lives of children. Have a wonderful Mothering Sunday and weekend.


    Ephesians 6:1- 1 Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. 2Honor your father and mother”—which is the first commandment with a promise— 3 “so that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth.”


    "The love of a mother is the veil of a softer light between the heart and the heavenly Father." — Samuel Taylor Coleridge


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  • Gymnastics tournament practice

    Published 16/03/17

    Children are practicing for the gymnastics tournament on Friday, wish them luck!

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  • John Coltman's Worship

    Published 15/03/17

    John Coltman from Winshill Gospel hall led our worship today about the lost coin and the lost sheep; The children enjoyed it and we thank Mr Coltman for his continued commitment to our schools.

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  • Netball Tournament

    Published 14/03/17

    We entered a Forest Federation team at the netball tournament Rykneld and played 4 matches. First we played Richard Crosse and lost 3-0, we were still settling in to playing together. From then we got better and better. Second match against Alrewas we drew 3-3, followed by two wins 1-0 against Rykneld and the 5-0 against Richard Wakefield.  We were overall joint winners with Richard Crosse. Well done children.

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  • Homework Gallery

    Published 06/03/17

    Our homework gallery was truly excellent. The quality of work was absolutely superb and children created wonderful pieces. It was superbly attended by families, thank you, what a vibrant afternoon.

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  • World Book Day 2017 

    Published 03/03/17

    World book day was an excellent celebration of all things literary and children had a super day.

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