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Needwood C of E Primary School

Read All About It!

We are now on Twitter -

Our read all about it page has pages of wonderful photos of the learning in our school. From September 2019 we will not be adding any further photographs here as we are using Twitter!  Please join us! 

Page 19

  • Sleeping Beauty Pantomime 2016

    Published 14/12/16

    This afternoon children had a fantastic time at the Pantomime, Sleeping Beauty at the Lichfield Garrick. It was such fun, they shouted out in all the right places, joined in the singing and dancing and were a credit to our schools. Thank you to the PTA for paying for the coaches and refreshments too. A brilliant, Christmassy afternoon.


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  • Chess Tournament 2016

    Published 13/12/16

    One boy from each school won the intra school chess tournament and these boys had a superb afternoon in the interschool tournament, held at All Saints when the Needwood boy won. They both played very well. We continue to thank Roger Ridley for his fantastic support.

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  • YMCA Visit Video

    Published 12/12/16

    Some Boys in Year 6 shared with the whole school the video they created from when they visited the YMCA Re-connect centre in Burton with some of the children from All Saints and Mrs Gethin. Everyone asked the boys lots of questions about their visit and it was clear to see the hard work they boys had put into making the video. 

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  • Class 3 have completed Move and Learn  

    Published 09/12/16

    Over the last half term children in class 3 have taken part in 'Move and Learn' sessions delivered by a coach from Burton Albion. They have undertaken classroom based learning exploring the different food groups, the need for water and how to keep healthy as well as practical outdoor sessions in dodgeball and football. We thank Burton Albion Community Trust for delivering the sessions. 

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  • Year 4, 5 and 6 Christmas Service

    Published 08/12/16

    Year 4, 5 and 6 enjoyed performing their Christmas service to the audience of parents, siblings, grandparents and members of the local community. A celebration of the Christmas Story full of carols, songs and bible readings. 

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  • Pirelli and the Premier League Cup

    Published 07/12/16

    Year 3 and 4 pupils attended Burton Albion from the Forest Federation where they were privileged to have their photo taken with the Premier League Cup, play in tournaments, undertake skills activities and met Billy Brewer! A couple of children were also interviewed for the TV!



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  • Nativity!

    Published 06/12/16

    Children and families enjoyed a beautiful, magical and sparkly Nativity ‘Hey Ewe’. The children sang and spoke excellently and the costumes and staging were superb! Our children clearly enjoyed themselves and it was an excellent portrayal of the wonderful, traditional nativity story.

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  • Winter Wonderland Music Share Concert

    Published 06/12/16

    Both schools were invited along to take part in Winter Wonderland Music Share concert with several local schools who work alongside Mr Mansfield. It was a wonderful evening that truly got everyone in the Christmas spirit. 

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  • PTA Christmas Fair

    Published 02/12/16

    The PTA held their amazing fair around school, there were stalls from local businesses, Secret Santa for the children to buy those presents for mums and dads as well as the class enterprise stalls. A jolly good time had by all raising funds for school. 

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  • Christingle 2016

    Published 02/12/16

    Children and families had a super Christingle service reflecting on this beautiful time of year. Children shared their Christingles and will enjoy lighting them with families at the weekend. We thank John Harrison for his support and our families for attending and making it special.

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  • Samiritan's Purse - Christmas Parcels

    Published 18/11/16

    We thank Rev. Les for coming to school to bless the Christmas parcels which will be collected to be sent abroad to enable children, less fortunate than ourselves, to have something for Christmas. Thank you to all of our families for their wonderful donations; the boxes looked amazing. 

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  • Worship Visit from the Buddhist Monks

    Published 14/11/16

    Two monks from the WAT MAHATHAT UK Buddhist Monastery in Kings Bromley came to lead whole school worship. They talked to us about their life as a Buddhist Monk, as always we asked them lots of questions. We also took part in a meditation and chanted with the monks. The monks will be joining us again in the Spring term to lead worship.

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