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Needwood C of E Primary School

Read All About It!

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Our read all about it page has pages of wonderful photos of the learning in our school. From September 2019 we will not be adding any further photographs here as we are using Twitter!  Please join us! 

Page 22

  • Messy Easter 2016

    Published 07/04/16

    We had a beautiful Easter service which was a completely new approach for Needwood Church of England VA Primary which consisted of a journey through the Easter story in the form of messy church. It began with a service in the hall, singing worship and prayer and the children then processed to activities around Jesus  going to Jerusalem, Jesus at the temple, the Last Supper and the Garden of Gethsemane. The children then processed to church  singing,  ‘We have a King who rides a donkey’ and shouting ‘Hosanna!’ waving palm leaves. The rest of the service continued beautifully with readings, prayers, hymns and messy grace. Thank you to Mrs Simmonds for leading such an excellent and new style service.

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  • Sport Relief Mile and More

    Published 21/03/16

    What a fantastic time we had today running a mile or for some, much more than a mile and raising money for charity. We raised £450!

    Thank you to the families and children who took part from across the federation.  




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  • The Big Bang - Science and Engineering Show

    Published 16/03/16

    Children from across the Federation attended The Big Bang - Science and Engineering show at the NEC to explore how science and maths was used in the real world. The children had a fantastic time and more photos can be found in the Gallery.

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  • Athletics Spring 2016

    Published 09/03/16

    What a fantastic achievement for our Federation!!14 children from across the Federation took part in the John Taylor Athletics tournament. There were a variety of events which the children took part in from, running, obstacle courses, and field events.

    3 schools took part and the children had a great time. We were the overall winners for the tournament which is great for all of our children and the Federation.


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  • Mothering Sunday 2016

    Published 09/03/16

    Children prepared wonderful thoughts, readings, songs and pictures to present to the mothers and families who attended our beautiful, reflective and fun service.



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  • Parish Council Representatives

    Published 07/03/16

    As part of our commitment to educating children about British Values and citizenship we have been learning about the governance of the country and about the democratic electoral process.  Our children have been very lucky to have been able to work with the parish council, and Class 4 in particular have all been able to experience a mock council meeting in class and to hear about the role of the Parish council.

    Additionally,  to cement this understanding further the Parish Council opened an invitation for pupil representatives from school to see a real Parish council meeting, allowing them the opportunity to appreciate the role of the school in the local community and to see how they, as local citizens, can impact upon change in the locality and our 4 parish council representatives attended a further formal, meeting which was held on Monday 7th March 2016. Pupil councilors explored and voted on several issues such as parking, litter, dogs in the village, speeding and the park. There are several actions for the children to feed back to peers and to work on before the next meeting.

    I was so very proud of the children, they spoke incredibly confidently and the preparation they put in was exceptional, allowing them to discuss with self-assurance at a level which I think Newborough Parish council were pleased with. What a great experience for them and supporting the already super links we have wit our community.  We thank the Parish council for their time and wonderful approach to working with our children.


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    Published 04/03/16

    All the children across the federation enjoyed a visit from the vets, they enjoyed taking part in discussions about how to care for pets, dressing up as vets when they are in consultations and in the operating theatre as well as having the opportunity to ask lots of questions. We would like to thank the staff from Scarsdale Vets for taking the time to come and visit us.

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  • World Book Day 2016

    Published 03/03/16

    All children across the federation have enjoyed world book day, dressing as a character from the traditional tales and exploring books in class! This compliments the work we are already doing to continue to develop reading such as our reading book buddies, sharing what we are reading across the school and our reading challenge as well as quality guided reading!


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  • The Doodle Bug - Art and Maths

    Published 25/02/16

    All subjects are important to us, the core skills of reading, writing and maths are essential and, as has always been our curriculum and our key principles, there are a breadth of other subjects and pastoral, personal, social, emotional learning and development which is crucial for our children to be lifelong learners, leaders, team players, conflict resolvers etc. So this week we have combined art and maths and have enjoyed 2 days across the federation with Ian Brealey from the Doodle Bug.

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  • PTA - St Valentine's Disco

    Published 14/02/16

    On the last evening of term our children had a fantastic time at our Valentines disco. Needwood PTA organised a great night, children had glow sticks, refreshments and lots of dancing as well as the opportunity to win prizes entering the ‘decorate a heart’ competition. What a great way to end term.



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  • John Coltman - Winshill Gospel Hall

    Published 18/01/16

    Mr Coltman came in for the first time this year and followed up the talk he had given before Christmas.  Pupils remembered the gifts that the Kings had given to Jesus, enjoyed looking at the model of Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh, seeing how the special box opened up, and listened to other examples from the Bible of the word open.  The heavens opened when God sent Jesus to the world, Jesus opened the eyes and ears of people in the Bible and we should be open to the word of God, as well as to new experiences in our learning and in life. Something we should all remember.

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  • Drumming Workshop

    Published 11/01/16

    The children loved the drumming workshop and a few parents managed to attend. It is wonderful to offer this towards enrichment for our pupils and meeting the requirements of the national curriculum. "A high-quality music education should engage and inspire pupils to develop a love of music and their talent as musicians, and so increase their self-confidence, creativity and sense of achievement. As pupils progress, they should develop a critical engagement with music, allowing them to compose, and to listen with discrimination to the best in the musical canon." Listening to, reviewing and evaluating music across a range of genres, styles and traditions is so important and again, it was great to see children enjoying themselves so much. Thank you to Rhythmicity for their approach.

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