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Needwood C of E Primary School

Read All About It!

We are now on Twitter -

Our read all about it page has pages of wonderful photos of the learning in our school. From September 2019 we will not be adding any further photographs here as we are using Twitter!  Please join us! 

Page 24

  • Federation Singing at Byrkley Garden Centre

    Published 01/12/15

    Children from across the Federation sang Carols at Byrkley Garden Centre whilst shoppers awaited the arrival of Santa and his reindeer. Whilst it was cold singing outside, we all had a great time singing along with Christmas spirit. 

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  • Christmas Fair 2015

    Published 30/11/15
    Please view all the photos in the gallery! What a fantastic afternoon we had at our Christmas fair there were stalls galore, the atmosphere was festive and fun! We took a fabulous £1022.77 and will outline all the proceeds over Christmas once everything has been taken into account.  Thank you to the PTA and children with their wonderful enterprise projects - they all made the event so good and to everyone who came.
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  • Music Share at St Pauls led by the Cathedral School.

    Published 24/11/15

    Children across the Federation attended a Music Share event at St Paul’s Church in Burton. It was a magical event where children sang beautifully, completed bible readings and their behaviour was impeccable. They even got to listen to some live opera. The have had this opportunity, practicing for many weeks, with thanks to The Cathedral school staff, led by Cathy Lamb and linked with the Staffordshire music hub. We are proud of their achievements

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  • Federation Athletics Team at John Taylor

    Published 23/11/15

    On the 17th November we took part as a federated team for the John Taylor Indoor Athletics. For this we had a mixture of Rangemore and Needwood team which worked really well as they have formed good friendships as a result of going on residential together. For this event we took part in field and track events. Our running events went really well and we managed to win most of these. We came 2nd overall with 45 points. Well done to all the children and thank you to the parents for your support.

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  • Grandparents' Lunch

    Published 23/11/15

    Grandparent's attended several lunches across the school with their Grandchildren across November. They had a lovely time.

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  • Children in Need 2015

    Published 13/11/15

    What a fabulous fun day we had on Friday 13th November 2015 raising funds for Children in Need. We dressed in our PJS, adopted teddies and all sorts of other super activities. We raised £113, How wonderful.


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  • Shoeboxes 2015

    Published 13/11/15

    On Friday 13th 2015 Reverend Les came to attend our Friday Worship to bless the shoeboxes our family collected. There was a super amount and we are so thankful to our families for preparing them. Rev Les and Wendy Rees will let us know where our boxes are going to!


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  • Website, Logo, Values, Mission Statement and Aims launch!

    Published 06/11/15

    I have enjoyed working with our house captains, exploring our new mission statement and aims and looking at the wording behind it. Part of our exploration was what a lifelong learner is and their considerations were excellent. The quote this week signifies the culmination of these discussions; a motivation to learn and a love of learning at all stages in our life. The children have been so motivated to put together the information about our Federation mission statement, aims, slogan and values in an accessible format for all during Friday worship and I think you will agree that they did a really good job. It was nice to see our Chair of Governors along with some other Governors and so many parents in both schools enjoying their delivery and it was special to have tea and biscuits with families to celebrate this next important step.

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  • Autumn Term Homework Gallery

    Published 06/11/15

    We had a busy afternoon sharing our homework projects with our families. Class 1 had been busy working on - All about Me, Class 2 working on Once upon a time in a land far, far away and Class 3 exploring mountains and light. We wouldliek to thank all of the parents and grandparents who came along to see what we have been up to. Have a look in the 'Gallery' for more photographs. 

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  • Class 2 Grandparents Lunch

    Published 06/11/15

    Grandparents of Class 2 were invited to join the children for dinner and stay and play afterwards. Due to the weather it was an inside lunchtime and they had the opportunity to play games on the iPads, colour and draw or make bonfire pictures using chalks and glitter. The children and grandparents had a super time!

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  • Community Afternoon Tea at John Taylor

    Published 03/11/15

    Four children from across the Federation were chosen to represent their schools at the John Taylor Community afternoon tea. The children spoke to some of the residents of Barton under Needwood who attended the event and taked about sport and played some sporting games with them. 

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    Published 17/10/15
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