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Needwood C of E Primary School

Read All About It!

We are now on Twitter -

Our read all about it page has pages of wonderful photos of the learning in our school. From September 2019 we will not be adding any further photographs here as we are using Twitter!  Please join us! 

Page 6

  • Holy Communion Service

    Published 15/10/18

    Children and staff have had a beautiful Holy Communion service and enjoyed the readings, prayers and singing. We thank Rev. Les and Wendy for such a lovely morning. 

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  • PTA Grandparents Afternoon Tea

    Published 13/10/18

    The PTA hosted a wonderful afternoon tea for children to enjoy with their Grandparents. A lovely afternoon was had by all and we thank the PTA for putting on the event. 

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  • Harvest Round The Village

    Published 10/10/18

    Children enjoyed the service of giving by taking produce round the village! 

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  • YMCA

    Published 09/10/18

    We took food donations from across the federation to the local YMCA foodbank. We thank our families for their generous donations. It was great that children got to see where our donations went and to learn that they helped families in need.


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  • Dove Valley Football Tournament

    Published 07/10/18

    On Friday we took part in the Dove Valley Tournament at the Pirelli Stadium.  We were in a group with the A teams of the biggest Primary schools in Burton, William Shrewsbury and Thomas Russell.  Our first team was against the TSS Mat which we won 2-0. Our next match was against William Shrewsbury who were stunned by the skills of some of our players, ending in 1-1 draw.  Our final match was a tight game, but unfortunately were defeated by Thomas Russell.  The team performed brilliantly and looked very professional in our brand new kit. Well done boys. 

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  • Harvest and Thanksgiving

    Published 05/10/18

    Harvest was really beautiful. We thank all of our families for their generous donations which will be distributed around the local elderly neighbours and YMCA food bank – four children from across the federation will have the opportunity to go with us to the YMCA to deliver the harvest gifts.

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  • Bread Making for Harvest

    Published 02/10/18

    Class 3 have enjoyed a visit from Austin’s Grandparents who kindly came into school to create some bread masterpieces with the children for display in our Harvest service on Friday. We thank them very much for giving up their time and sharing their expertise. 

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  • Worship led by Jordan

    Published 01/10/18

    Jordan came to lead worship today. He told us the story of Creation with a little bit of help from LEGO!  We explored how the Creation story tells us about how God created the first community and how we can help our community by doing good deeds to make it a better place. 

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  • Charity Day - Metacognition, The Brain and A Celebration of Life

    Published 28/09/18

    Our charity day, whilst reflective and profoundly sad was also vibrant with learning about the brain and some amazing art work was completed, please look for it in school! It was a beautiful blue day, we all wore blue and this was just perfect to hold Viyan (his favourite colour)  in our memories as we raised funds for such important charities close to Viyan's family's heart and also, an illness that affects several families in our school. Thank you so much for your kind donations of cakes and pennies to go to the Brain Tumour charity and Donna Louise. We look forward to developing our work around metacognition, thinking about our thinking and learning. 

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  • Fruits of the Spirit Worship Reflection

    Published 24/09/18

    This week children have completed their reflection in worship for our ‘patience’ Fruit of the Spirit. They have carefully considered what it means to be patient and how they can demonstrate this and live out this Fruit of the Spirit in their own lives. We look forward to exploring the Faithfulness Fruit of the Spirit next. 

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  • John Coltman Worship

    Published 22/09/18

    Mr Coltman visited our worship this week and told the children about his Grandfather, who helped soldiers during World War 1 and the medals of honour he received.

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  • Year 6 Leavers

    Published 18/07/18

    Year 6 children had a fabulous outing bowling, playing in the arcade and at frankie and Benny’s, what a wonderful evening together. They also enjoyed their lunch with families and delivered an amazing service for the children and families of the school. We are so proud of their achievements and the friendships and confidence shone through in their performances. We wish them happiness, health, love, and success in their future learning and life journeys. 

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