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Needwood C of E Primary School

Read All About It!

We are now on Twitter -

Our read all about it page has pages of wonderful photos of the learning in our school. From September 2019 we will not be adding any further photographs here as we are using Twitter!  Please join us! 

Page 7

  • Well Dressing Committee Presentation

    Published 13/07/18

    We thank the Well Dressing Committee for their generous donation to our school from the proceeds of the day and for attending our worship in order to present our children with it. 

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  • Mindfulness!

    Published 12/07/18

    Whole classes across the federation as well as a group of children have enjoyed mindfulness sessions with Anna Morrone this summer, what a wonderful opportunity which will help them manage stress and be more mindful in their daily lives. 

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  • Communion July 2018

    Published 12/07/18

    Communion July 2018

    We had a super communion service and thank Rev. Les and Wendy and Brian Beck for their commitment to our church schools.


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  • Rosliston Forestry Centre Visit

    Published 11/07/18

    Class 2 enjoyed their trip to Rosliston Forestry Centre on Wednesday.  They built shelters in the in the woods during the morning, then solved the picture trail in the afternoon.  Their behaviour and enthusiasm throughout the day was amazing!

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  • Courage Awards!

    Published 11/07/18

    We are so proud of our friend who has achieved runner up in the Burton Mail Heroes (Courage Award) category. He is so tremendous that despite having an incurable brain tumour that was diagnosed shortly after his first birthday he has just seen his 7th birthday celebrations. Despite facing a much shorter life than other children he remains strong and doesn’t get himself upset about his illness. What a gorgeous picture!  

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  • John Coltman Worship

    Published 10/07/18

    Mr Coltman delivered an exciting worship recapping all the stories from the bible that he had read to the children. Class 2 and 3 competed against each other by recalling facts and scoring points. We thank Mr Coltman for his visit. 

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  • Packington Pork Visit

    Published 10/07/18

    Class 1 went to Packington Pork Farm on Tuesday . They  saw some sheep and pigs and talked about where our food comes from.  They built dens in the woods and went on a woodland trail . They were  also very  lucky to see two deer .They built rafts out of twigs and  leaves and managed to sail them on the pond . They all had a lovely day!

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  • Dippy at the museum and the symphony hall!

    Published 06/07/18

    Year 4 and 5 from across the Federation had an amazing day at the Symphony Hall listening to an orchestra and also visiting Dippy the Dinosaur at the history museum as well as sketching the local area and evaluating their day!

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  • Sports Day

    Published 05/07/18

    Children had an excellent sports morning and it was wonderful to see so many families there to enjoy or event! Thank you to the PTA for refreshments too! 

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  • PTA TESCO bag pack!

    Published 03/07/18

    On Saturday 30th June, 11 children took part (with a little support from 3 siblings) in bag packing at the Tesco Uttoxeter store. It was hot and busy, but the children worked really hard and raised an impressive £227.94 in donations from collection buckets at the end of the tills. Well done everyone! Certificates will be awarded to each child during worship as a keepsake for their sterling efforts.

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  • Jordan Lambert

    Published 02/07/18

    Jordan focused on the fruit of the spirit patience. He told a story about Abraham and Sarah. God told them that they would be given a baby boy. They waited for many years until they didn't believe God's promise anymore. Eventually Sarah gave birth to a baby called Isaac.



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  • Federation Games Day 2018

    Published 28/06/18

    A huge thank you to Mrs Pendleton for organising our Federation Games Day, for the Blessed Robert Sutton Partnership for facilitating it and to the staff, children and families for a wonderful day! We were blessed with an overcast start and a gentle breeze! Children had an unlimited supply of water and lots of opportunity for shade. Children enjoyed working in teams on a variety of fun activities and ended the day with a fabulous, family picnic.


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