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At The Forest Family, comprising of All Saints CE Rangemore and Needwood CE Primaries, we strongly believe that we should be a school fit for the 21st Century, providing children with the curriculum and experiences appropriate for the changing world we live in.

Our vision for the Curriculum is that it should: -

  • Develop essential values in a distinctive Christian environment.
  • Be engaging and exciting, fostering a love of learning;
  • Be broad and balanced;
  • Foster creativity and risk-taking;
  • Cater for our mixed age classes;
  • Allow children to make connections between subjects, topics and themes;
  • Prepare all children for the next stage, e.g. EYFS to KS1, KS1 to KS2, KS2 to KS3;
  • Develop opportunities for conceptual understanding;
  • Support and develop key skills in English and maths in all subject areas;
  • Give children innovative enrichment opportunities and experiences;

Our curriculum will be focused on: - Intent, Implementation and Impact.


We intend the curriculum to include, foster or develop: -

  • Our Fruit of the Spirit values
  • Creativity
  • Perseverance
  • Resilience
  • Confidence
  • Tolerance
  • Respect
  • Emotional intelligence
  • Metacognition
  • Teamwork
  • Leadership
  • High aspirations
  • High expectations
  • Ambition
  • Courageous advocacy
  • Understanding of the British values of democracy, individual liberty, rule of law, respect and tolerance
  • Progression built on previous learning
  • Development of long-term memory – ‘sticky learning’
  • Challenge
  • Excellence in reading, writing and maths
  • Cultural capital
  • Love of learning!



We will implement the curriculum in the following ways: -

  • Robust planning
  • Coherently sequenced lessons
  • Excellent subject knowledge from staff
  • Quality first teaching
  • Rapid interventions so that children ‘keep up’ rather than ‘catch up’
  • Questioning of the highest quality
  • Real world experiences (see Appendix 2)
  • Excellent enrichment opportunities (see Appendix 2)
  • Building on previous learning
  • Design lessons and retrieval practice to secure learning to long term memory
  • High quality resources including ICT
  • Promotion of talk for learning
  • Parental involvement
  • Practical, engaging lessons
  • Teach chronologically where possible, e.g. history
  • Ensure learning environment is stimulating, conducive to learning and interactive
  • Utilise subject specialisms to enhance learning
  • Rigorous teaching of reading including fostering a ‘love of reading’
  • Purposeful and informative use of assessment


We aim for the following outcomes / impact: -

  • Children are happy and want to come to school.
  • Children are self-motivated, confident learners.
  • Children aspire to be lifelong-learners.
  • Children consistently display Christian Values in their behaviour and conduct
  • Analysis of performance data shows key outcomes at least in line with National, and we aspire to be above.
  • Work produced is of a high standard.
  • Children are ready for the next stage of their educational journey.

Our curriculum design is consistent across The Forest Family but is individualised for each school where necessary, due to unique heritage, the range of mixed age classes and the diversity in and beyond each community we serve.

All stakeholders at The Forest Family are proud of their curriculum and are committed to the impact it brings to all the children in school.

For full information regarding our curriculum at both schools, please click here